Quality Policy

HTPM will deliver world-class quality services and products to its customers which meet all contractual, legal, trade and regulatory requirements, and shall continually improve and innovate upon its products and services with the aim of competing in global markets. The company shall adopt and subscribe to international standards for improving its quality, safety, environment, social accountability and ethics.

The company shall establish and attain stringent quality objectives in the areas of service and product attributes, timeliness of deliveries, handling service requests and treat all customers equally and fairly without any prejudices, maintaining the same level of quality, service and responsiveness for all.

Through abidance with this quality policy, we seek to satisfy the needs and expectations of our global customers while progressing towards our stated vision and mission.

Safety Policy

Management of HTPM is firmly committed to implementing a safety management system while taking all possible measures to remove or reduce risks to the health, safety and welfare of workers, contractors, authorised visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our operations.

Environmental Policy

We are fully committed to implementing all measures that will prevent pollution and minimize the impact of our business activities on the environment. We fully realize our responsibility towards creation of a sustainable planet and will focus on efficient use of energy, water and materials; minimize waste, re-use and recycle wherever possible- both in the design and management of our operations.

The following shall be the focus areas of our environmental allegiance: